The loco, “tolina”, “pata de burro”, “pata de burro”or “chanque” is a species of gastropod mollusk of the Muricidae family that inhabits the coasts of Chile and Peru. Its meat is highly desired and its overexploitation has led it to be under constant restrictions and controls by the authorities.
- Scientific name : Concholepas concholepas.
- Main destination markets: Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Republic of China, United States of America, Canada, Mexico, Malaysia.
- Type of extractive fleet: Artisanal seine.
- Characteristics and distribution of the resource:
- Mollusk, benthic gastropod, that inhabits rocky bottoms between 0 and 50 m. It is distributed throughout the national territory.
- Main manufacturing lines: Canned and Frozen.
- It is found from the Lobos de Afuera Islands, Peru, to Cape Horn, Chile, including the Juan Fernández Island archipelago, especially in areas with strong waves.

Locos Canning Process